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Zamperla unveiled Luna Farm at FICO Eataly World

September 13, 2019

Zamperla is pleased to announce its first farm-themed amusement park called LUNA FARM  at FICO Eataly World  in Bologna, Italy.

Luna Farm is the new indoor entertainment centre (FEC) inside the world’s largest agri-food park FICO and it boasts of having 15 themed attraction to be entirely made by Zamperla. It offers families an experience of pure fun in a surprising farmsetting.

After Luna Park in Coney Island, Zamperla chooses the Food Park in Bologna for an investment of 11million euros. The project is dedicated to family fun and combines creativity, technology and inclusivity. The recruitment of 50 ride operators and the “Umarell Days” for those who can’t resist the charm of this construction site is already on its way.

Inside the new indoor park designed by the design company Team Park Project, it will be possible to experiment the worldwide debut of augmented and interactive reality solutions for amusement rides developed by Z+ (ZamperlaPlus), one of the business divisions of the Zamperla Group. Much attention is also given to inclusivity and accessibility, two topics dear to the Zamperla group that has been investing for years in R&D for rides accessible to people with special needs.

Luna Farm is the result of the collaboration between the Zamperla, for more than 50 years a global player in the amusement industry, and FICO Eataly World, the largest food park in the world, which opened in Bologna in November 2017. The farm-themed amusement park occupies an indoor surface of approx. 6,500 sqm within CAAB, i.e. the food and agriculture centre in Bologna which hosts FICO. It also represents an 11 million euros investment and a full-capacity workforce of 70 people, including 50 ride operators and guest service personnel presently under recruting. The design of this theme park, in many respects with no equal in Italy, has taken approximately 12 months.

“We are proud of this partnership with FICO Eataly World because we share the same mission, i.e. promoting the Italian excellence in the world,” highlights Alberto Zamperla, President of Antonio Zamperla S.p.A. The nature of this cutting-edge project has led us to take it seriously and invest in this collaboration accordingly. Luna Farm arrives at the second year of FICO as a natural evolution of a project that anticipates future trends: FICO offers innovative answers to the changing needs of consumers, where entertainment plays a key role.”

“How does a kid feel when he or she rides a roller coaster? We keep asking ourselves this question day after day, even after so many years.” Andrea Caldonazzi, CEO of Team Park Project and Luna Farm, tells us how entertainment venues are made. “We designed and followed the creation of this Park, taking care of every detail, with only one goal: to make children have fun. Challenge, wonder, cheerfulness are the emotions that accompany kids along their growth. At Luna Farm, children will experience all of this together with their parents and grandparents by riding rides or attending shows. And if they want to visit us again, every time they will discover something new in the story of this extraordinary world which starts with a farmer who invents bizarre machines, continues with a bull that is in love with a chicken, and we really do not know what comes next…”









Yesterday, during the press conference, there were a very good attendance and fun.

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